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Recycleye acoge el panel sobre sostenibilidad Nvidia

Recycleye hosts Nvidia GTC Sustainability panel

Billed as The Developer Conference for the Era of AI, the Nvidia GTC is one of the world’s leading and most influential events for the global tech community.  So we’re very proud that our Machine Learning Tech Lead, Benedetta Delfino is this year hosting a panel for the event.

Benedetta hosts a session entitled Achieving Environmental Sustainability with AI with a panel of mission-driven leaders, who have each developed or are using sustainable solutions to help support our planet.  Available for streaming on 23 March at 16.00 GMT, this inspiring session is free to access after registration.

Joining Benedetta on her panel are:

  • Guillaume Jourdain, CEO of Bilberry – a French start-up that develops Green on Green camera systems to spray herbicides only on weeds
  • Saar Safra, CEO of Beewise Technologies – Creators of a Robotic Beehive for the Pollination and Honey production industries
  • Tim Duret, Director of Sustainable Technology at Veolia – The global leader in optimized resource management
  • Dr Sander Vos, of Civil Engineering at Delft University – Currently working on safeguarding beachfront and coastal city infrastructure through his CoastScan project

Read more on Nvidia’s blog about the event.


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